
Political Tidbit

1. Is it legal to take the delegates away from Florida primary voters? I just don't know.

2. Edwards is purportedly out. He says he won't play kingmaker for Hillary or Obama. Would it matter? Are Edwards supporters more Obama or more Hillary people? I can't tell. I think they just drop into the GenPop, as the wardens say.

3. I think this is a good indication that, like our guesses, that Edwards was not interested in a vice presidency.

4. Enough about the dems -- their primary last night meant nothing. On to the reps and America's Mayor, who is reported to be dropping out and tossing his support behind McCain. If so, is that the end for Romney? Also, same question as before: are hawkish middle of the road on social issues supporters of Rudy really going to jump into the socially conservative, potentially big government, but still hawkish McCain camp?

1 comment:

David said...

I have never understood the affection for Sen. Edwards. I understand why folks would be all into Hillary, or Obama, but Edwards is a one-term senator with no substantial policy accomplishments who got his butt handed to him by Kerry, of all people.
