
Just Wierd Enough to Post

Tasha Maltby, at right, is Dani Graves "pet." Not in the endearing sense, mind you. In the lay out my clothes, make my food, clean my house, and then lead my around by a leash sense. The cuddly-in-black couple made news when she/it/woof! was kicked off a bus for wearing the leash. The bus driver thought it posed a public safety hazard.

I am not sure. I am also not sure that the bus company has to issue an apology, as it has chosen to do. If you go around dressed in a manner well outside the norm, I think you take a risk that some people will react badly to it. Indeed, isn't that many times the point? So if you do manage to get a rise out of someone, why do you then deserve an apology?

( Sorry, the Beeb always makes we lapse into mother tongue dialect.)

An addendum: I'll admit that this post is here for "freak" appeal. I am not proud of that, but I am human after all. I'll even go so far as to admit 'seeing' what Ms. Maltby might find appealing about being submissive. (in the liberal intellectual sense, calm yourselves; especially you, RSC)Yet, I associate that with a sexual choice, not a general character trait. What is wrong with leaving those kinds of preferences at home and/or sharing them outwardly with people you know and trust instead of insisting on adopting it as your persona at large?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

alon, if you were a pony, your name would be shvitzy
