
For Immediate Release

AC Phones It In.

Budding area lawyer, AC, has decided to call in sick for the first time since god knows when. Sources close to Mr. C have noted that he has been ill for nearly two weeks, honking and sneezing his way around the office. "Seriously, it was kind of gross. The guy was dripping like a faucet. We were like, go home. And he was like, there's a lot to do. That's true and all, but...I mean, eew."

Reports indicate that C and spouse RSC are both home sick, and early indications are that they may even bill a full day's work between them. "We stayed in bed until we could move, and then rolled over," said Mr. C to nobody in particular. "Smoothies and soup, that's pretty much our lives right now. Oh, and the Simpsons Movie," chirped RSC. More on the flick to come.

Both sad sacks of bio-hazardous waste are expected back in the office tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm been fighting a case of the "oogies" as well. It stinks. I hope that you both feel better soon.
