
Dec 26-28, Haifa

Haifa is beautiful. Following the Russian immigration, it became the center of Russian life in Israel. So much so, in fact, that Hadar, the older part of town where my grandfather lives, is now almost exclusively Russian. What is not Russian is orthodox. That might be the more surprising half. Haifa, long the bastion of Sabras, would have balked at the notion that a "Dati" population would spring up, but spring up they have.

So where are the Sabras? Burbs. Ah, yes. You know you're a first world country when you replace your condo in the city for an upgrade in a new development on the next rise over. New Romema, Vardiya, and so on have all popped up, usually with a shopping area at the summit and housing perched on the surrounding hill in concentric circles. Kids don't play together in the street as much any more. People drive rather than ride the bus to work. Progress people, progress.

Oh, and all Israelis have HDTV. All of them. HoT is one of the major providers, offering not just VOD, but gaming, trivia, and shopping, all from your remote.

Coming home exhausted one night from an urban hike, we caught "Idiocracy." I had no idea this movie was ever made, but it has B-movie appeal out the wazoo. Here is a promo for Brawndo, which in this dystopian future has replaced water as the sole source of liquid nourishment:

[ EDIT - Commenter Jeremy brought this to my attention: www.brawndo.com. OMG, you can actually buy the stuff. Similarly, this Wall-E fanboy loves: http://buynlarge.com/ ]


David said...

That commercial has filled my RDA of awesome. It's like Max Headroom meets Chuck Norris.

Anonymous said...

"Idiocracy" is brought to you by Mike Judge, the guy behind "Beavis & Butt-head", "King of the Hill", and "Office Space".

The thing about it is that just 10 years ago we'd have all watched it and laughed at how implausible it seemed. Now I'm not so sure...

Unknown said...


Dan said...

That commercial is almost definitely by the same people who gave us the glory of Power Thirst!! (CollegeHumor.com)

Watch these two power thirst video's now!

Power Thirst!
Power Thirst 2: Re-Domination

