
Political Tidbit

Super Tuesday is over and nobody really knows who the front-runner is on the Dem. side. Most places can't even agree on delegate counts.

CNN has Clinton at 825 and Obama at 732
WaPo has Clinton at 845 and Obama at 765

If you take out the superdelegates (Clinton has about 90 more), the race is a dead heat. There is no indication of how the remaining 100-200 superdelegates [ EDIT: There are 800 superdelegates, and only around 3000+ delegates, so they are a huge factor], will pledge or how Edwards's 26 pledged delegates will vote. Ergo, no dominant candidate. You can ignore the rhetoric.

As for the Republicans: I said it after the Reagan Library debate. I thought Huckabee was great. Last night showed the effects of that. Of course, the winner takes all model means he has zero chance at prez. I think he has zero chance at VP under McCain too. Too bad. Mitt, go home. This is over.

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