

No politics, no humor. I realized that there hasn't been very much of me on this blog in a long time, so I'll share a moment.

I had a big firm moment the other night. I had gotten to work early, slammed all day, worked through lunch, finished after 8pm, hit the gym, and cabbed to a bar to celebrate the coming nuptials of a buddy. I was over-caffeinated, tired, and - by the end of the evening - toasted beyond the point I had originally intended. It felt oddly nostalgic. I traded in the big firm job almost a year ago. It had been full of 8+ p.m. nights, 24 hour turnaround assignments, and the kind of frenetic desire that makes you wander what - rather than if - someone is trying to prove to someone from their past. I was often tired and stressed.

Don't get the impression that I don't work hard. My billables are at or above those of many big-firmites, particularly in a light market, but the hours are qualitatively different now. I hadn't felt that "perpetual onset of heartburn" in a while. I might even say I was nostalgic for it, if only because I knew that tomorrow the feeling would pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three words: Irish. Car. Bomb.
