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read the "small thoughts" blog
I aspire to be intelligent with moments of genius. So far, I have managed awkward with moments of competence.
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read the "small thoughts" blog
The war. The global gag order. The rejection of Kyoto. The
deregulation, tax cuts and war on the estate tax.
Where in any of this or the myriad other policies espoused by this
President was there a shred of moderation. If anything, this was a
rejection of big government social and neo-conservatism. For Tony,
that is just not conservative enough. Forget his side's cries of
socialism, this form of conservatism is just despotic.
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read the "small thoughts" blog
Section 1: Adoption and foster care of minors. (a) A minor may not be adopted orSo if you are single and have sex with random strangers, you can adopt, but if you live together and choose not to get married, no kids for you. It is not strange for, say, an aunt to take custody of her troubled nieces kids - and auntie may be divorced herself, but living with her boyfriend. Even in my short stint of pro bono family law, I have seen this over and over. Well, not any more in AR.
placed in a foster home if the individual seeking to adopt or to serve as a
foster parent is cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage which is
valid under the constitution and laws of this state. (b) The prohibition of this
section applies equally to cohabiting opposite-sex and same-sex individuals.
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read the "small thoughts" blog
The totals here are near 1700 - daily totals used to be 200ish. It's
cold. I had the worst Tuna sandwich ever. Still, we're clapping out
every first time voter. It really feels like a movement.
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read the "small thoughts" blog
Our one hour plus line has dwindled to about 10 minutes. One in every
20 was a new voter and I've seen a lot of curbside voters - those who
can't stand in line that long. One woman works with the mental ill.
She drove one of her patients here. She waited an hour in line. He
waited an hour in the van. I bet she was a lot colder.
This district seems to splitting at least even, if not Dem. The
election officers tell me that, in the last election, they saw a
couple thousand all day. Some hours, they saw just a handful of
people. We've seen that many already.
It is dark and wet. Out here, I met my first Obama voters at the 24
hour Wal-Mart. A golf umbrella, 3 PowerAdes, and a poncho later I am
at the local high school. It is 5 and the line is just out the door of
the building.
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read the "small thoughts" blog