
We Have a New Leader in the Space Race.

The EU launched the ATF, an automated space truck that can launch, reach, and "mate" with the International Space Station, all with minimal human interaction. It represents a low cost option for shuttling supplies to (though I don't believe from) the ISS.

More important that the tug itself is what it represents: The end of U.S. space dominance. I am not saying that U.S. space dominance was good or even worth the money. Reasonable minds have long quibbled. What I am saying is that U.S. dominance in space technology has persisted since the 1960's, and has been a symbol of its superior resources and technology. We did things just because we could, and that had political significance -- just like the Great White Fleet circumnavigating the globe. [Dorkowitz points out that the GWF predated nuclear tech by 50 years. Right he is...now what was I thinking?

Today, Arianspace operating out of French Guiana has joined us there with superior tech while our Shuttle operations are sunseting with no obvious succeessor. Europe or, more likely, China, will soon have a replacement and it will be U.S. astronauts begging rides instead of the other way around.

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