Some Very large searches in our databases leave me free to show you this:
This is the "Poseidon Discovery", part of a new breed of consumer 're-breathers.' For those who like breathing air on terra firma, the way god intended, a re-breather recycles the CO2 your breath out back into some usable 02 you can breath. Special forces and researchers (particularly those who engage in more deeper "technical diving") have been using these for years. Now, they are becoming simpler and "cheaper" -- This one costs $7,400, roughly 2-5x the cost of a basic rig.
Two benefits inure from rebreathing:
1. No bubbles. Fish don't like them. Without bubbles, you get to see more stuff.
2. Longer down times. If you are not breathing compressed air, you are not getting the progressively dangerous 02 or N levels that limit dive times. The company claims you can dive twice as long for the same surface time. Heck, a 2 hour dive? You'd need to train up for that kind of stress.
1 comment:
I can't believe this post didn't include a reference to Real Genius. (For those who haven't seen it, you're missing out on Val Kilmer's second-finest work after Top Secret)
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