1 shot Laphroiag scotch (I know, it is the sacred single malt, but wait!)
1 shot Lapsang Souchong ,
allegedly the famed sleuth'ss favorite tea - granting the drink its name.
Touch simple syrup
Touch soda
Touch orange juice
Lemon peel, squeezed, lit, and dropped into the drink.
The smokey tea mixes with the now savory sensation of citrus, peet, and rye in the scotch to create the smoothest, warmest, most sensual cocktail I have ever experienced. To sip this roguishly decadent treat is to slip into a content grin or a passive observation of the delights before you for the remainder of the evening.
It was a complex, inviting heaven.
That sounds fabulous. Let me know when you're going next time, and I'll join you for one.
(peat, not peet)
I don't believe there is any rye in Laphroig. Being a single malt scotch, the only grain allowed is malted barley. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_malt_Scotch
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