
For those wondering, it is broken.

My fifth metatarsal. 6 weeks in a walking cast + post-cast rehab. un-w00t.
Oh, and can someone please explain to me why insurance will cover a $300 fiberglass cast that must be replaced at least once, but will not cover a $150 walking cast that will last the term of my injury? My doctor and I were reminiscing about the days when he could prescribe what he thought was best for me simply because it was, y'know, the appropriate medical treatment. Ah, those were the days.


Anonymous said...

That just overall sucks. *healing vibes* being sent your way. *Your being jerks vibes* being sent to your insurance company.

David said...

ow ow ow ow!

Sorry to hear about the foot - I hope you feel better soon.

Yep, insurance companies suck. Perhaps the white-hat lawyers can bring them in line?

LuvNmuzic said...

They should just recommend ski boots. They look the same, act the same.
After watching you struggle with the thing for a day, I'm tempted to get you a skateboard to roll along with... secondary risks be damned.

Anonymous said...

refuah shleyma, dude. I like Beck's idea, personally. Hell, why not just make it into a ski trip? See you in Argentina tomorrow!
