I aspire to be intelligent with moments of genius. So far, I have managed awkward with moments of competence.
Al Franken
The pundits have it backwards. The fact that Sotomayor was overruled shows just how right she is for this spot on the Court. She has been nominated to replace Souter, who took the same side Sotomayor did . . . and lost today. If the conservative Court had upheld the ruling, perhaps we'd have something about which to talk.
Clobbered on the head he thought with, died in the house he lived in.
in list. McMahon, has been MJ, fawcette, and now Billy Mays.
(www.cnn.com). I actually feel bad for this guy. He had a new TV show,
he was getting exposure, etc. Like him or not, it is a shame to exit
on the upswing.
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A Little Callous
Small Musings
just make some early observations.
1. It turns out that sleeping 5-6 hours a night in 1.5 hour stints is
quite doable.
2. When a cry means you kid is alright, it doesn't bother you one bit.
3. After 10 minutes, everything you tell a n00b is nonsense. Boy, the
junk that has come out of my mouth - and none of it offensive to boot.
Go figure. 4. I have dicovered a surprising capacity for polka dots in
my life.
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A Small Hiatus on Small Thoughts
Things You Knew Because You Are Smarter Than Me
them, I got an acid-free backing and archival matting. And custom
frames. Now the frames are falling apart, so i went to the art store
for new ones and discovered that the custom frames are odd sizes: 22.5
x 28.5, a technique the art store clerk explained was widely practiced
and aimed at preventing exactly what i was doing.
Maybe you knew this part of the racket, but I feel cheated. I spent
the extra money to protect my art and now that decision is costing me
even more.
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read the "small thoughts" blog
Russian Millionaire's $350M Yacht
Roman Abramovich - the man who spurred the Sun to coin the term "Richistani" -- just launched this 557ft. $350M beauty, with 2 helo decks, blah blah blah, doesn't do squat for people starving to death in Africa.
How Did I Miss This?
- An Hermes bag purchase can set you back ~$50,000.
- You may have to wait several years for the chance to dish out that kind of cash.
- They're breeding their own crocodiles to keep with demand. Go ahead, read that again.
Whores of the Court
So Then We Acted Unethically...And It Worked!
Microfinance in the U.S.
Updates on Bing and Pre
Pre Probably Put Palm out to Pasture
- This is Palm's last hope. There is no other Treo coming. Earnings and market share are way down. This is it.
- The OS is apparently pretty good. The killer app is multi-tasking, something the BB does really poorly and the iPhone does not do (it traded multi-tasking for zippy performance in every app).
- People like the interface. It is quick and clean and new. There is no iPhone or Windows CE in there. I've seen the video walk-throughs and I agree.
- The hardware feels lousy in your hands. The plastic is light and that lip at the bottom of the keyboard is apparently so sharp people report pain from using the device.
- Did I mention this is Palm's last gasp? Most reporters believe that this device might be good enough if it wasn't up against the entrenched business devices of BB and the user-friendly behemoth of the iPhone. And being attached to Sprint, the anemic network that can't even claim "push to talk" (walkie talkie mode) as an exclusive any more doesn't help. Maybe this year's NASCAR points winner will just win the company. I think that might just cause someone to throw a race or two.
The Power of Bing
Death to Citating! No, Really, You Might Be Able to Stop...
Project Natal: Look Ma! No Wii!
Is This Something I Might Actually Use?
It certainly looks useful, I just can't tell if I'd, y'know, use it. [HT www.makerfaire.com]