The description (in part):
Water is a network of hydrogen-bonded molecules. It can form numerous
structures, depending on how the individual molecules bond together. The most
recent scientific findings indicate that biological organisms prefer the
six-sided (hexagonal) ring-structure, found naturally in snow water. This
Hexagonal Water forms a liquid crystalline lattice that is involved in cellular
communication, intracellular water movement, enzyme function and many other
metabolic processes. The amount of Hexagonal Water in the body has been
correlated with aging. It has also been found to form the initial layer of water
surrounding healthy cells. On the other hand, unorganized water has been
described surrounding diseased and abnormal cells. Hexagonal Water is composed
of six individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds.
This unique water structure is capable of rapid penetration within the cells of
the body. Most tap water and bottled water is composed of large water
conglomerates which are too large to move freely into the cells. It must be
re-structured within the body to penetrate the cells (a time-consuming and
energy-consuming process). For many years, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon has known that the
regular consumption of Hexagonal Water could provide innumerable health
benefits. ...
Hexagonal water is otherwise known as snow. This device does not purport to freeze water, nor, to my knowledge, is there any evidence that the crystaline structure of water has any effect on health. Of course, even that seems to be giving the product too much credit. My first reaction is: Should this even be allowed to be sold? The answer to that might be yes, just to support a free market - the consumers for this product landing on the intelligence curve as it tails out way to the left. But here is a more interesting question: Should Amazon permit the sale of this product? If a product make claims that appear to be blatantly false, is it ethical to sell that product just because people will buy it? While there is demand for it, that demand is uninformed and unproductive. It will, in effect, perpetuate a product that, by objective measures, can't benefit anyone. [And, no, I don't think the placebo effect is justification enough.]
How about Astrology "how-to" books?
Frankly, this crackpot science stuff is relatively harmless as far as what Amazon should or should not be selling. Much more problematic are items like
this and this. The latter item at least has an editorial review labeling it as what it is, but the former item does not. Considering the much larger numbers of people interested in these products, and the very real hatred and harm they generate, they strike me as significantly wose than the "hexagonal water" silliness, which at worst hurts the wallet of people who buy it. I'm not arguing Amazon should definitely not sell these, I'm just saying on the scale of objectionable items for sale that "won't benefit anyone," the water thing is rather benign.
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