I aspire to be intelligent with moments of genius. So far, I have managed awkward with moments of competence.
MySpace Isn't Dead. Actually Maybe Evite is Dead?
Tour de Classe
Well Aren't You A Class Act
Walking with Dinosaurs
There are few things that make me stop and stare. The video preview on
the Verizon Center jumbotron made me do just that. Pictures of 20 and
30 foot tall dinos walking around the arena smoothly and majestically
were mezmerising.
Now, I am pretty sure my impression of this show is better than the
reality. I imagine a serious, sciency talk - like a zookeeper talk or
something. The actual show is likely more like The Land Before Time.
Oh well. For that moment it was pretty cool.
If You Just Noticed, You Deserve It
The Drawbacks of 'Owning' Digital Books
It says that those who own kindle books have fewer powers than do people who own, y'know, books. Worse yet, they are surprised. At least the few thousand that had bought 1984 were when they woke up and discovered it was no longer on their machine one morning. Amazon had agreed with the publisher to take it down and remove it from the machines.
You can tell just how much sympathy I have. You own a proprietary format work on a proprietary machine. You therefore don't control anything. Think of it like Tivo. You buy the unit but they retain a lot of lattitude. You are ok with that because of the convenience of the service. Sure it's annoying if the company takes something back or changes the terms on you, but that was always the deal and you knew that.
If you wanted an ebook to keep, buy a sony reader ir similar product that requires that you download a full version of the book and sync it. Or buy a paperback. What did you think was happening when Amazon was selling you whole books at 30% the price? Seriously. The pissing and moaning you hear is just that.
Death of a Salesman
Who Are You And Where Is Lance?
It's New to Me, OK?
Michael Bay is to movies what Hurricane Katrina was to urban planning.
I'm Too Sexy for My Own Good
When Ads Go Bad
one hundred percent mozzarella." Guys, you make pizza. Should we have
to point out that mozarella is the product and milk the ingredient?
Unless, you 100% mozarella is indeed just an ingredient and "cheese"
has become something of a fuzzy concept for you. In which case, "Ew."
And stop touting it!
Sent from my iPod
Those Shoes You've Seen Me Wearing
Safeway's Useless Affinity Card
I do not think that means what you think it means.
U.S., Russia Move Forward on Arms
Sports from the Fourth
amazing. The lesson - block me once, shame on me. Block me twice,
anything goes. Stewart was exceedingly gracious in victory. Maybe when
you are an owner, inflicting damage that expensive strikes a little
closer to home.
The tour de France is on. It's nice of them to show a sport that only
I watch. Well, I and some groggy expats. Seriously, even with a
dampened Armstrong, is there enough audience for VS to bother?
And E-Trade is sponsoring the standings board on the World Series of
Poker. Is this really the message they want to send, now or at any
time really?
And now back to the 10 lb bag of wonderful in my arms.
Sent from my iPod
You've Got Some Serious Stones
For once, you really can say, "Ha! We didn't have [blank]
Officially a Father
You know how modern salmon swim up-river? Lox.
It's all downhill from here.