
Senior Moment

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I had a "senior moment" this morning -- perhaps the first of many. I forgot where I parked the car. I knew it was in a Thursday spot. I knew I had moved it. I just didn't know where to. Picture me criss-crossing the various blocks in my neighborhood on this rainy morning, half searching, half wondering if I have lost my mind, my car, or both.

Still, nothing compared to this guy.


Unknown said...

Oh dude, that's nothing. You should have been here when our movers delivered our stuff last month. Same idea, except substitute my in-laws' house for the gas pump, a full-length 54' trailer hitch for the dude's little Ford SUV, a curving, increasingly sloping residential street for the slightly graded concrete of the gas station, and put me in instead of the red gas can (no, the driver wasn't trying to feed me 87-octane, rather I was the focus of his attention). Anyway, thank God it wasn't a Jerry Bruckheimer-produced movie scene, because in that case the result would have been a neighborhood-scale explosion/fire. We got off lucky.

by FightMetric said...

Maxim - you rock.
