
I finally have my "young associate" story. I am writing from the basement of client's offices -- a small pre-fab structure nestled down a side street in a rural town in the deep south. Outside is a toolshed piled high with boxes. I am taking inventory to see what we can, should, or need to provide to the feds. Yup, the feds. In the age of hyper-contracting by the government, this little office does 8 figures a year in government business. To put that in perspective...these 13 people wield the same capital as a 100 person firm in a major city.

Now they face criminal charges...funny thing is, nobody is unhappy with their performance, just their paperwork and corporate relationships.


1 comment:

David said...

There are a lot of small 8A-eligible firms like that - most of them serve as pass-throughs for larger corporations. :/

Gives a new meaning to "taken to the wood^H^H^H^Htoolshed" huh?
