
Mixed Tidbit

There were a lot of reasons to cover your eyes yesterday:

Perhaps you watched and watched and watched the reply of Rev. Jeremiah Wright attempting to get out of a media hole by digging up. To Rev. Wright: Sir, I understand that you love the attention and that your honestly believe that this will help put the legitimate cause of blacks in America front and center, but are you willing to do that if it jeopardizes (I'll hold back from the term "submarines") the chances of the first black president - or even any democrat - in the fall?

Or maybe you saw the already putrid mess of the Rocket vs. His Pusher cyclone further down the toilet bowl as Macnamee's lawyer both leaked to the media allegations that Clemens had slept with a troubled country star Mindy McReady for years...since she was 15...and "grudgingly" noted that this would likely come up as a defense in the defamation suit?

Or perhaps any shred of sympathy you might have felt for the FLDS as Americans expressing their freedom of religion disintegrated as you saw reports that 31 of the 53 girls in the group between the ages of 14 and 17 were pregnant or had given birth to children already.

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